Love Stole My Breath Away

We were squatting on a spot, next to a huge house; with fields on all sides. I usually run free; kicking my paws up with nary a worry or obstacle in sight. So when Mom tied me to the camper this beautiful spring eve, I felt confused

Apparently, there was a musical rehearsal at this house and Mom didn’t want me to bother the musicians. You’d think Mom would know by now that I’m a magnet for love and attention.

The main guy showed up and proceeded to haul all his equipment into the house without a blink my way. I started to think I was losing my pizzazz when the second attendee showed up.

Thankfully that guy, and all those that followed love dogs, so naturally he came over to say “Hi.” He loved on me as the third attendee showed up.

Attention was being lavished on me. I got excited and forgot about the chain. The fourth attendee started toward my little group to get in on the love on Otis train. I don’t know what possessed me but I lunged toward her; the result being I about ripped my head off. All I remember is taking a flying leap toward this woman when the jaws of the chain grabbed my neck and slammed my back right into the dirt.

Peoples this was a serious debacle! I was almost at the end of my rope when I lunged high-fly’n in the air. Suddenly I was ripped out of the air, somersaulted backward, and landed on my head; my leg twisted underneath.

I yelped and cried like a baby, every bone felt cracked and mangled. The guy with the cool head started feeling me up and down to see if there was a cause for all the ruckus I was making. He determined that I enjoyed drama cuz through all the caterwauling he couldn’t find a thing wrong with me.

I’d like to see his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine certificate; thank you very much.

Mom stood by in shock while this whole event played out. She had never seen me leap like that. My Mom was horrified to think of what might have happened had I not been tied up. That poor woman would have been laid out.

After I caught my breath, I explained to Mom that I wouldn’t have jumped if I’d been free. I lost my bearings for a second; I was in such a fog of love and adoration.

I went to bed while Mom went in to listen to the music maker’s beautiful flowing notes.

The next day I was no worse for wear while Mom had some thoughts that turned out to be mighty accurate. Mom has failed in teaching me to not jump on the two-legged. She was wondering if this little incident might have drop-kicked that desire right outta me. Lo and behold My Little Mama was right on the money.

Two months have passed, and I have kept all four paws firmly planted on the ground. I did meet a lady at the park; I briefly thought about doing a jump-up but quickly came to my senses when I realized it just wasn’t worth it.

Enjoy the day my friends. and please tap the like button.

face of dog

Luv, Otis 💗

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