All Frogs, No Alligators & my 1st Hot Dog.

My Mama had an extremely frustrating encounter with an energetic, vocally enhanced bullfrog, that lasted pretty much all night! Mom told me the stupid thing had a deep-voiced croak that sounded off every minute or so. I guess he prevented mom, who slept in her hammock, and the next-door tenters, awake most of the night. This afforded mom many hours to contemplate life and to weigh the pros and cons of getting a big stick and slamming the #%& !@*#  frog in the head. The problem was in the deep dark night she was afraid she’d come across an alligator instead of the frog and slamming an alligator on the head with a stick just didn’t seem like an action conducive to her health. Eventually, Mom fell asleep only to be awoken by guys talking about how cool her hammock was. It was only 7:30 so Moms simply turned over and slept another couple of hours. Aren’t I a great dog to allow her to sleep till 9:30 and not get a bladder infection?

Mom made me sleep in the camper; I got a great night’s rest. My suggestion that Mom sleep in the camper and let me sleep outside fell on deaf ears. My Mama knows that with all the nighttime commotion going on I’d be up all night, investigating or whining to investigate. If I’m up you can be sure Mom’s awake.

In gator country Mom rested easier knowing she was off the ground and I was in the camper.

Yesterday, Greg a fellow camper, invited us to join his evening fire. That was when a total miracle happened to me! Moms actually let me join the fun. I knew I’d be watched, closely, so I put on my best docile behavior. I laid by the fire as requested and kept my wanderings close to camp.

Greg is a way cool guy. He kept his eyes peeled for any alligator sighting so Mom could come a run’n. My Mama wants to see an alligator and anyone who knows My Mama knows “persistent” defines her to a tee. (Persistent is a nicer term; better than bull-headed, stubborn, or irrational.)

The other reason Greg is cool is, he gave me my first hot dog. Ok, at first I was not sure what to do with the half of hot dog Greg offered me. I mean how ethical is it for a dog to eat a dog, hot or otherwise? Greg was surprised I rolled the half dog around in my mouth for a while before I took the plunge and bit. Oh, my gosh, that tasted Magnifico!

There wasn’t any hesitation on any of my parts when the second half of dog was offered. Greg had three more hot dogs from heaven but Mom said “No”. Why does she hate me so? I’ve been soooo good.

Be kind to the two and four-leggeds you encounter.

Luv, Otis


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