Paw Pain, Doctors; Drugs are Yuck

My left front paw is still lame, so I’m on bed rest. My limp is pronouced, so I can only get up to drink/eat or pee. The doc figured the only way Mom could keep a big active mutt like me down was to drug me mindless.

Paw pain. Dog head. Laying down with ears pointed due to fuzzy brain from medications.

The paw pain meds in my system caused me floppy ears to get pointy. I told Mom not to post this picture cuz it takes away from my naturally strong and buff persona. (You can see how well My Mama listens to me!)

Paw pain needed drugs. Dog head laying down with lip drooping from medications.

This picture highlights my glazed eyes and me lip drooping halfway to the floor; proving the meds have infiltrated me brain.

Doctor drugged dog laying down with head off bed.

In this picture, the drugs have zonked me out. Mom’s gonna get drool on the absorbent carpet, which I think is her proper punishment for drugging me into oblivion. My head is so heavy with big brains I couldn’t keep it on the bed.

I may not have liked the results of the drugs but eating the meds was wonderful! My fantastic Mama added my morning pills to scrambled eggs. I had warm tasty farm-fresh eggs every morning. Yay for me!

At night my pills were dipped in smelly bacon grease before being tossed in my kibble dish. Yum, yum, yummy! I could happily eat like this forever and die with a big ol’ sloppy grin on my face.

 I don’t want the fuzzy head and I don’t want to give up my eggs and grease. Placebo pills would do the trick. I think Mom should get me some.

A week of being drugged to the gills provide me enough resting time that me limp was 90 percent better. Too bad for me that I thought licking my injured paw would get me up and running, faster.

Medicated dog laying on bed with black sock and purple wrap around it's hole in the paw.

Mom went nuts when she saw the hole I licked in my paw.  Her solution was to encase me paw in a loose-fitting sock. Naturally, as soon as Mom turned her head, I pulled that darn sock off.

Then Mom’s great idea was to tie a wrap around the sock. But no need to fret, the wrap only slightly delayed me from freeing my paw.

Dog standing with paw pain. Sock covering hole in paw.

This is my patient face, cuz Mom insists upon rewrapping when she spies a naked paw living freely and unencumbered.

Back to the doctor we went. The doc told Mom not to wrap my paw cuz the paw sore needed air to heal. Yup, I smirked an I-told-ya-so, to Mom when the doc had his back turned.

At the turn of a dime, that very nice and knowledgeable doctor turned into a mean monster when mentioned the cone … of … shame!

Mom immediately started laughing as she told the doc my head hardly fit in the tiny apartment as it was. Mom couldn’t imagine how I’d get around with a large cone around my already huge head.

That dang doctor showed no mercy. To me horror, he added peroxide, and Neosporin, and more pain pills, plus the cone to deal with a tiny hole in me paw.

Personally, I thought it was overkill and apparently Mom agreed.

Driving home I was a delighted and happily spirited mutt. I figured I got off scot-free cuz Mom didn’t stop to exchange cash for any of the doc’s suggestions.

Me bubble of joy was shot all to hell when I saw Mom reach for the aromatherapy oils. Mom thought the peroxide would sting, so the aromatherapy oils would be much better. Why, oh, why didn’t she discuss this with me?

I’d much rather have a bit of sting than have to live with the stink-to-high-heaven oils between my toes.

For two days I had to live with me nose as far away from me paw as possible. Yes, the oils took care of the licking problem, and I am healing quite nicely. Yet, for the rest of me life I’ll probably be afraid to even look at my paw; due to the fear Mom will put more stinky stuff between me toes.

Dog's healed paw leaning over couch back while gazing outside through the window.

I’m almost healed and anxiously awaiting the time when I can be on the outside of the window.

Exhausted and medicated dog sleeping on his bed.

Good night, yawn—all this healing takes energy out of a guy.

Luv, Otis


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