Burrrrrr in Minnesota

In Kansas, before we headed back north, it was an extremely comfortable 73 degrees; my lake swims were fun. After two short days of rumbling up the freeway, the temperature was 28 degrees!

The sun and Mom’s need for toasty turned the auto into an oven. We stopped.  I jumped into freedom and beelined to the lake. The days of traveling fatigue lifted when I felt the frigid afternoon air chase my hind end.  Color me shocked when instead of jumping into the lake I ended up on a sheet of frozen water, my legs reenacting the baby-Bambi-on-the-ice scene. In that instant, I knew I was back in Minnesota.

Mom decided to drive back to Minnesota to … who the heck knows why? Mom’s mind is indecipherable. Even though I’m handsome as hell, nice to others, and protective, I’m never afforded a vote. I’m expected to shut up, sit down, and go along for the ride. Mom is lucky none of my mutt breeds are known for being rebellious. We left The Ivy in Kansas and are lucky enough to have great friends who shelter us. These two-leggeds are perfect folks cuz they provide Mom with a roof and a warm bed, but most importantly they provide me with a playmate!

It’s been a fun play date when our tongues are hang’n outta our mouths, and after a long slurp of water, we flop on our sides, snoozing for hours.

It pains me to admit it, but I’m feeling my years. Hick runs circles around me and after a short rest, she wants to go again. Meanwhile, all I want to do is sleep for the next six hours. To be honest, and this is a bit embarrassing, I slept for two days after we left Minnesota.

The road to Kanas was uneventful. Picking up The Ivy and heading toward the campground was uneventful. Getting to the campground was a dirty, filthy, sliding-in-deep mud ordeal. It was dark; Mom was afraid she was gonna get stuck in the deep, sucking, squishy mud.

 The Kansas people call it a road; Mom refers to it as a field people drive on.

The next morning, I woke Mom up to tell her The Ivy had three inches of heavy caked mud all over her front parts. Mom is a good sport. After she swore a couple of times, she settled into grateful that it was warm enough to scrape the dirt off, even though she had to use a hose and screwdriver.

Now when I want to cool off, I can bathe in the lake, instead of spread-eagle on top of northern hard ice.

Luv, Otis❤️

13280cookie-checkBurrrrrr in Minnesota