Barbershop, Bookstore, and Drugstore

Mom and I love our time in Beaverdale, Iowa. The charming community shops satisfy all of Mom’s needs while I get a ton of exercise.

The Fareway Meat and Grocery store is small enough to quickly whip in and out. The yummy food keeps the two-leggeds coming back for more. Their meat scraps are the best. Ya, I get the scrapes from the big hunky steak My Mama greedily chomps. Mom just slid me the snake-eye look; that look that states; “I’d best be happy with what I get or I’m not getting’ nothin’.”

Christopher’s is Mom’s favorite place to dine and lick up some spirits. Ace Hardware keeps The Ivy rolling down the road. Mom stayed outta the Confectionary and the gym for obvious reasons. The coffee shop woke Mom up and provided an aromatic place to write.

Joyfully, all of the mentioned shops are within walking distance. When we get to town I sit patiently outside the store. I’m never bored cuz I’m usually getting loved on by peoples strolling by.


 Otis at the barbershop getting hair cut.

The best fun was at Franklin Barbershop. I walked in. Patrick took one look at my handsomeness and smiled big. Immediately he invited me into his chair for a little trim. Getting that cape on me took all of Patrick’s attention. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that cut hair is one of the least offensive things I roll in on a regular basis.

To be honest, I was surprised a hair wash wasn’t offered before the cutting began. Realization dawned after inspecting the sinks. Obviously, my immense size would never fit in those tiny bowls.

I asked Patrick about a possible pedi. He had time to cut and buff 10 nails but 20 was out of the question. I guess it’s unreasonable to show up for a haircut and then expect a 20-toed trim.

This place was packed with customers. Most of the guys waiting were just hanging out; except one, he was eating lunch! I didn’t waste a second zeroing in on that special guy with every quivering cell in my salivating mouth.

Did Mom expect me to stay in the chair while food and many admirers were only a hop down and a skip away? She did, this is a testament to My Mom’s trust in my behavior.

 Mom has been disappointed before so I didn’t think twice when I escaped mid-snip to say “Hi” to the guy devouring his food. After all, I had a huge bib on so I didn’t think there’d be an issue.

Sadly, the effort went unrewarded, as the guy simply gathered his lunch close to his chest. He musta been really starved cuz he didn’t even drop a crumb for my taste buds to enjoy.

 Otis getting hair cut at barbershop.

I jumped back into my chair and let Patrick start rockin’ his clippers. A little snip and cut here and there and I’m lookin’ real good. Amazing what a little trim can do for a gent.

Patrick’s facial fur is awesome. I asked him how I might get me a bit of that. Pat told me I was outta luck as his was due to special genetics.


Otis dog at the drugstore.

The next stop was Medicap Pharmacy. Mom enjoys their great service and the fact that they like dogs. I loved the doggy treats.

Otis dog looking at cards in drugstore.

Medicap has a nice variety of greeting cards. Mom bought many cute cards while I waited patiently at her feet, (I’m licking my chops after my last dog biscuit.)


Beaverdale Books is within walking distance. The proximity made Mom’s pocketbook lighter but filled her soul with smiles.

Otis dog found a great book at bookstore.

My expression is all a-tingle with hope. Mom is pursuing a book about replacing dry, dusty, dog kibble with real live food.  Food like cooked steak, eggs, and chicken topped with lots of melty cheese. At least I’m optimistic that’s what the book is telling Mom to do.   

Otis snarls when the book is put back on shelf.

I guess you can lead a mom to a book, but ya can’t make her take it home. Snarling with disappointment, I watched Mom put that book of taste-bud dreams back on the shelf. My attitude is strong cuz I was getting cranky.

Mom drags me all over town for ‘show and tell’, plus expects me to ‘stay and smile, look this way, look up, look down.’

I know my mood would be better if Mom would remember to bring treats like all normal dog moms. Most dog moms bring treats for their dogs. A hound with treats is a very well-mannered hound. Not My Mom. My Mom’s memory has fault lines … deep fault lines. My treats tend to stay on the shelf; never finding their way into my hungry mouth.

It’s okay for her to forget, but heaven forbid I forget to be on my best behavior. Why am I expected to be perfect without any encouragement? The occasional “Good Dog”, pat on the head doesn’t really cut it.

I comply with Mom’s wishes cuz she needs me and I love her.

This outing has been exhausting. I intend to take a long afternoon snooze.

Luv, Otis

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